Bearer Token Configuration for a REST Connector

Bearer Token authentication is necessary for setting up connections to some REST sources. Occasionally REST APIs may refer to Bearer Tokens as Access Tokens in API documentation.

From the Edit Data Connection screen, select Bearer Token from the Authentication drop-down. The Configure button will appear below.

The Edit Data Connection screen, where Bearer Token authentication can be selected from the Authentication drop-down.


Selecting Configure will bring up the Bearer Token Authentication screen.

Configuration for Bearer Token authentication.

Note: The purpose of the Authorization URL, which is specific to Bearer Token and OAuth2 authorization, is to allow MAPS to access data from the API. This is not to be confused with the Base URL, which is the root path of all endpoints provided by the API.

HTTP Basic

Selecting HTTP Basic as your Authentication Type requires you to provide a username and password in order for your API to supply a Bearer Token.

Selecting HTTP Basic as your Authentication Type will require the Username and Password fields to be completed.


Selecting the ellipsis on the Password Authentication Value will open the Password dialog.

The Password dialog, via the elipses.


Bearer Token

Selecting Bearer Token as your Authentication Type will require you to provide a Token that will be sent to the Authorization URL.

Selecting Bearer Token as your Authentication Type will require the Token field to be completed.


Selecting the ellipsis on the Token Authentication Value will open the Token dialog. Please refer to your API documentation for your Token Value, or instructions on how to receive your Token Value.

The Token dialog, via the elipses.


REST Connector Configuration

Using the REST Connector in Argos

XPath Format